
Akhenaten and his family offering to god Aten;

5/25/2013 06:35:00 PM

king Akenaten and his family are represented in an adoration attitude before god Aten making offerings 
and god Aten is represented as a sun disk with his rays which end with the(ankh) sign,sign of life, as he gives the king life.

 Material ;
Alabaster was used in making the piece , it is reasonable as the  main quarries for alabaster were h3t-nwb near Amarna . This stone was mainly used for making small objects such as vases, bowls and lamps.

Place of Discovery ;
This slab came from Amarna, discovered by petrie, in 1891.

Description ;
The slap is 102 cm high and it represents Akhenaten, Nefertiti and their eldest daughter Merytaten giving offerings to Aten, who appears as a sun disk, decorate with cobra, and its rays terminated with hands offering the cnh, sign of life to the king .
The king is extremely deformed with a very elongated white crown with ribbons, face, body, round breast, large pelvis and belly. Both the queen and her daughter are represented likewise . The king is wearing a long plaited kilt, while the queen is wearing a transparent long mantel and a headdress known as the khat, a headdress, also worn by goddesses like Meryt, the goddess of music and signing .
The princess is wearing the traditional side lock of youth. The king, whose body is decorated with the names of Aten , is offering a kind of bread to his god and Nefertiti is doing likewise, while the princess is holding a sistrum, the musical instrument of Hathor,  used in religious rituals .
So, in spite of the king,s new vision in religion and art , he fell  into the ancient traditions  after  all.
good luck

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