
Abusir the Cemetery of 5th Dynasty near Saqqara

2/14/2014 05:32:00 AM

Site Of ​​Abu Sir

the site of Abusir is located  to South Giza Pyramids and lies about - Seventeen kilometers - could reach the area by
road - Pyramid - Canal Mansuriyya - Shabramant - then the area Abusir archaeological, about - three kilometers - from the Step Pyramid of King Djoser at Saqqara

. Archaeological sites are considered first-class, and this village is located near the cemetery of the kings of the Fifth Dynasty in the middle of one of the most important archeological sites in the world - the famous Pyramids site in Giza Necropolis. It was Memphis, the oldest capital of ancient Egypt stretching from - Abu Rawash north and passing through the Giza and Saqqara, and even in the south MIuDOM

What was the importance of Abusir?

 AbuSir was part of the Saqqara area which lies about 3 km from the Step Pyramid of King Djoser founder of the Third Dynasty Pharaohs, which is part of the area where I started writing the first chapters of the history of Egypt, and in any case they touch the places where he wrote great chapter recent history of Egypt in the Late Period The Ptolemaic period, a time flourished faithful worship sacred animals such as the calf ((Apis, and the falcon god Horus, and the monkey and cattle egret)) and Granger again.

What the function of cemetery?

These cemeteries and temples formed part of the center of religious and political to the homeland in recent centuries BC The excavation and restoration of the cemetery (Petah Hbss) is the first project enriched carried out by the Institute of Czech Egyptian antiquities and the results Hvaúarham considered essentially been completed and some aspects have changed the picture archaeological Ibusiralty were prevalent in the seventies The cemeteries discovered unknown and new graves, temples and pyramids.

In addition, the Egyptian Museum in Cairo houses papyrus newfound from the archives of the temple pyramid Abusir to number of little-known of the Barada old state an important addition., The new light has delivered on this issue, and this includes the story revealed as exciting as the stories (Ojana Christie) and conducted Mission Institute of the Czech Egyptian antiquities Hvaúrha Mntqhibusirmund in the early sixties, seventies and in the Institute of Egyptian authorities granted large archaeological site and includes the southern part fully in a mostly undiscovered part of the cemetery Abusir

Who was the first to build his funerary and his pyramid at Abusir? 

From the point of view of archaeological the continuation of excavations in South Abusir near the northern edge of Saqqara is very important. Abusir attrackted  the attention and interest of the royal family 5th dynasty (2560: 2420 BC. AD), to Egypt when he built the first kings (Userkaf) temple of the sun there, has been chosen also the son of King Sahora to build his funerary and his pyramid is the first pyramid was built in Abusir

And also the King (Nferrar Kara) built his pyramid complex a short distance from the group hierarchy of the king Sahora as well as kings (turnoff F-Ra) and (Ni or Srra) have also raised in the same area and then abandoned Abusir such as cemetery property, and in addition to that pyramid incomplete in Abusir which is like an abandoned building from the Fifth Dynasty has become very important in the discovery of the members of the Czech archaeological mission,

the excavations Have revealed  that this pyramid was a royal tomb real Pharaoh (turnoff Ra) and some discoveries precious of this cemetery has been displayed in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, but the trip history of abusir stop with the old state, the discovery of a group of wells massive revealed Cemetery (Auajjahorrsent), which is a the most influential staff in Egypt at the beginning of the Persian invasion of the homeland,

This has created a sensation among archaeologists in the late eighties and the system of the cemetery complex wells interconnected and filled with soft sand was intended by that prevents thieves from violation of the sanctity of the tomb of this person's powers of influence, but failed to do so and when the thieves ancient burial chamber, we can say from During some of the signs they did not find what they were expecting for the ark (Auajjahorrsent) it seems that it is empty and this question remains Was well set cemetery real or is it just shrine

And continue Hvaúribusirlky reveal new information in each season step by step, the small stones new added to Moiziak Tark cemetery Ahram Vyibusirōhzh article written history of the gift of this civilization unique to the world and the continuation of excavations in Abusir will reveal a lot and unveils removes uncertainty for many of the questions in the field. Abusir to build pyramids and their groups and funerary temples to worship the sun god (Ra), which was among the names of the likes of Kings (Sahora) and (Nferrar Kara) and other kings

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