
ancient egypt animals,what about them?

11/30/2013 02:16:00 PM

Ancient Egyptian 

animals what you know about them?

The animals were bred mainly for food, while others were held. Others as pets
Animals of all kinds were important to the ancient Egyptians. Egyptians understand the characteristics of animals and admire, especially those dangerous forces or not people. They believed animals were symbols Ancient Egyptian animals, for example, the beetle - how the Egyptians noticed that sinks and thus used as a symbol of survival.
The special powers of every Egyptian god symbolized by animals with similar characteristics Ancient Egyptian animals.

Ancient Egyptians realized that these dogs are able to find the right part of the old meat and eat this part and not die. Also hit the desert graves in ancient times. The jackal was used as a symbol of the death scene of judgment - where the heart is weighed by Anubis (the jackal-headed god) to announce the good and bad hear.


do u know that cats were of Ancient Egyptian animals?

The cats were very important of Ancient Egyptian animals, were symbols of animals and gods Bast cat.
The cat was a symbol of grace and poise how they hunt their prey

The most famous beetle bug in Ancient Egyptian animals. 

The Egyptian name was Kheper Scarab.

The beetle was the main * amulet worn by the ancient Egyptians. He was symbolically as sacred to the Egyptians as the cross is to Christians.
* An amulet was worn to protect the wearer against evil and was worn on a chain, cord or leash.
The Egyptians believed that the beetles are associated with the Egyptian god, Khepri. It was Khepri that pushed the sun across the sky, like a beetle would roll a ball of dung. The beetle became an ancient Egyptian symbol of reincarnation, the opportunity to be reborn. Every day, the sun disappeared, always to rise the next day and be reborn Ancient Egyptian animals.

The beetle is also a symbol of rebirth after death Ancient Egyptian animals. When Egyptians mummified body, the heart to remove them and put aa carved like stone mountain place.

What dung beetles?

the power and divinity of the crocodile in Ancient Egyptian animals?


Egyptians respected and feared the power of the crocodile, and they were a real danger for them. The Nile, which was full of crocodiles Ancient Egyptian animals, it was important for the life of the Egyptians. So it was logical to a god that these animals could have drive.
Crocodiles were represented by the god called Sobek. With the strength and character of a crocodile, the Egyptians both fear and respect Ancient Egyptian animals, was a symbol of the power of the pharaoh.

Hippos was very important of Ancient Egyptian animals,
The hippopotamus was a danger to the boats on the Nile, and the people who work in or near the shore. Egyptians fear that because of the huge mouth Ancient Egyptian animals, teeth, and the size and aggressive nature when irritated. However, the Egyptians also regarded as symbols of rebirth. The hippopotamus is represented in the goddess Taweret (Taweret), which protects women during childbirth Ancient Egyptian animals.

What Ancient Egyptian animals did the Egyptian farmers?
The animals were important to Egyptian farmers. Animals helped them with jobs like trampling in the seeds, pulling the plow, eating unwanted grain or wheat and providing the Egyptians with food and drink. They kept Ancient Egyptian animals such as cows, goats, pigs, ducks, cows and geese.
Animals of all kinds were important to the ancient Egyptians, and was in the secular and religious lives of farmers, artisans, priests and rulers

 Ancient Egyptian animals and the Gods

Egyptian towns usually have their own local sacred animal Ancient Egyptian animals. It was thought that some gods and goddesses are depicted in the earth as a representative of a certain kind, and in honor of those species would please. The god or goddess associated with the animal The animal suspected of being the incarnation of the god or goddess lived a pampered life in and around the temples and religious centers.

MYW Cat - Many gods were depicted as cats , domestic and wild, and were considered sacred animals regarded as benevolent. Bast, originally a desert cat, was later described as a house cat. Ra is represented as "The Great Cat of Heliopolis' who defeated Apep in" The Book of the Dead. "

Cattle mnmnt - Hathor, Isis, Nut and Bat three goddesses who are often depicted as cows, cows with horns or ears of cows. Symbolize For this reason, and because the relationship between the pharaoh as a living god Ancient Egyptian animals, the cow came to the mother of Pharaoh. The cow was also a solar icon, where Nut carried the sun in the sky in the back while she was formed.

 Like a cow The cow was linked to female fertility and the mother of the pharaoh. Osiris was related to the bell - the Apis bull, after death, became Osiris - Apis. In life, the Apis bull was regarded as the Ba of Ptah Ancient Egyptian animals, mummified god of creation.
 The bull was considered Mnevis Ba Ra - Atum. The bull to this effect was related to masculinity and the pharaoh.

the danger of the cobra ,one of Ancient Egyptian animals 
Cobra TDI - The cobra was sacred to Wadjet, cobra goddess of Buto, who represented Lower Egypt and kingship. Renenet cobra goddess was a goddess of fertility is sometimes depicted as infants and as a protector of the Pharaoh. Another cobra goddess was Meretseger, "he likes silence" that criminals with blindness or her poison could punish.

Crocodile msh - Ammut, the demon in the courtroom, had the head of a crocodile with other scary creatures, and was known as "the devourer of the dead", which punishes the wicked by eating their hearts. The god of Atribis region, the sun god Horus Khenty - Khenty sometimes presented as a crocodile. But the crocodile was also sacred to Sobek, which was depicted as a man with the head of a crocodile, or as the crocodile itselfAncient Egyptian animals.

 The temples of Sobek usually had sacred lakes where crocodiles are fed and cared for. The hippopotamus goddess of childbirth, Taweret, was thought to have the back and tail of a crocodile, or shown with a crocodile perched on her back Ancient Egyptian animals.

Falcon / Hawk Byk - The sacred bird of the falcon-headed sun god Horus, was also regarded as his Ba. The falcon was a bird that had protective powers, and is often associated with royalty, where he was depicted as hovering over the head of the pharaoh, with outstretched wings. The falcon was also sacred to Montu, the god of war, and Sokar, god of the necropolis of Memphis.

hathor and one of Ancient Egyptian animals
 The bird of prey was sometimes associated with Hathor, 'The House of Horus. "Son Horus, Qebehsenuef guarding the canopic jar of the intestines, was a god -. Head of a falcon Sometimes the man was the head of ba bird gave the body of a hawk.

QRR Frog - Rana Heqet goddess often represented as a frog headed woman or a frog. Because the Egyptians saw that a lot of frogs, all appearing from the Nile, associated the frog with fertility and resurrection, and thus Heqet a goddess of childbirth was Ancient Egyptian animals. The four men of primitive gods Ogdoad - Nun (water), Amen (invisibility), Heh (infinity) and Kek (darkness) - were all frog gods Ancient Egyptian animals.

Goose gb - The goose was the sacred animal of Geb Ancient Egyptian animals, who was also known as "Big cackler 'when I was in the shape of a goose, and the sign of the goose haircut Isis is sometimes described as" chicken. egg ", being the daughter of Geb Ancient Egyptian animals.

Heron bnw - The BNW bird was depicted as a heron Ancient Egyptian animals, and it was thought that the original phoenix - it was a bird of the sun and rebirth, the sacred bird of Heliopolis, closely associated with the primary Butte. It is also assumed that the two Ba Ra and Osiris Ancient Egyptian animals

more information about Ancient Egyptian animals:

Hippopotamus db - Set is supposed Ancient Egyptian animals during his fight with Horus, where he was harpooned by the falcon to be turned into a hippo god. The male animal hippo and a sick animal was defined. Ammut, the female demon who ate the soul of the dead if they have a judgment against Ma'at, in the last part of a hippopotamus Ancient Egyptian animals, and combined with parts of the body other fearsome creatures Egyptians.

 Female Hippo, however, was the manifestation of Taweret, the benevolent hippo goddess of fertility and childbirth Ancient Egyptian animals. She was one of the most popular goddesses of the family, especially for pregnant women, because of their protective powers.

Ibis hb - Regarded as the reincarnation of Thoth Ancient Egyptian animals, the sacred ibis was dedicated to the god of knowledge, as a man with the head of an ibis was formed. The Akhu, part of the soul, was the sign of a crested ibis, known as name Akhu - bird written Ancient Egyptian animals.

Sat Jackal - Ancient Egyptian animals Associated with Anubis, the god of embalming and mummification, which was presented as a black jackal (or dog) or a man with the head of a black jackal or dog. One of the four son Horus, Duamutef was a jackal-headed god of the canopic jar that held the stomach monitored Ancient Egyptian animals.

 The jackal god was Wepwawet Ancient Egyptian animals, the opener of the roads, which was the opening of the mouth ceremony on Pharaoh, so that he is able to speak in the afterlife would be. There was also a jackal god named Sed (after "party sed 'or royal jubilee was called), which is closely linked to Wepwawet Ancient Egyptian animals. Jackal was intended as a guide for new death because they are often seen in the desert and the mountains where the tombs were usually built.

Lions may - The lion was connected with the sunrise Ancient Egyptian animals and sunset, and therefore it is thought that the guardians of the horizon and were linked to solar deities. The earth god Aker was depicted as a 'double sphinx' - two lions sitting back to back -. , And was intended to keep the sun went in and out of the underworld on the horizon from East and West Shu, the god of the air dry, and Tefnut, goddess of moisture from the air Ancient Egyptian animals, were lion-headed or lion-headed deities Ancient Egyptian animals.

Ancient Egyptian animals Tefnut was given the title, the Eye of Ra. many pharaohs associated with lions, and the lion reaches symbolize domination. Lions are also associated with a ferocity and warlike gods. Sekhmet depicted either as a lioness or a woman with the head of a lioness that has emerged as the Eye of Ra Ra to destroy mankind Ancient Egyptian animals, who was also known for its healing powers. Hathor, the goddess of love, it is believed that he was sent as the eye of Ra, and thus was also linked to lionesses. Even the cobra goddess Wadjet, had a lioness form when it was identified as the Eye of Ra Ancient Egyptian animals.

 Mut also Ancient Egyptian animals and had a lioness form when he had his hand on the war, etc.. son of Bast and Sekhmet (there was confusion about the motherhood of this god in ancient times), Nefertem was a sun god with lotus head lion, healing and perfume Ancient Egyptian animals. Another lion god was Apedemak who was known as "the great god at the head of Nubia, southern lion, strong arm. "Bes, dwarf god of sexuality and delivery, demonstrated either with ears and mane of a lion or a lion skin layer.

Nyw Ostrich - Maat, the personification of order Ancient Egyptian animals, is shown as a seated woman wearing an ostrich feather in her hair or feathers themselves.

Pig rry - The pig was a sacred animal to define god of chaos. All in the form of a pig and blinded Horus then disappeared. Eventually Horus regained his sight Ancient Egyptian animals. One thought to represent the eye of Horus to the sun and the moon and the legend of the blindness of the god was an explanation of the solar and lunar eclipses. Plutarch says that, once a year, pigs were sacrificed to the moon Ancient Egyptian animals.

Ram ba - The ram was sacred to Banebdjedet of Ancient Egyptian animals, ram - god of Mendes, the god Khnum and the men made his potter's wheel. Amon was also a form of ram, and a different species of sheep. Rams were a symbol of fertility, and as such, the god of fertility HERYSHEF took the form of a ram or a man with the head of a ram Ancient Egyptian animals.

Khprr Beetle - the personification Ancient Egyptian animals of the scarab god Khepri, a solar god of resurrection. The scarab pushes its dung behind it in a ball, so that the Egyptians believed that Khepri pushed the sun across the sky. Young emerged beetles, dung born, and when the beetle came to symbolize new life and creation Ancient Egyptian animals. The beetle is also linked to Amen, as he Khepri.

Scorpion SRQ - Serqet was a scorpion goddess usually depicted with a scorpion on her head and in spells to both prevent and cure poisonous bites. Shed, a god called "El Salvador" has been associated with protection against scorpion sting Ancient Egyptian animals. Tabitjet was a scorpion goddess, with regard to the bleeding caused by the loss of the virginity. The scorpion was dedicated to Isis, is believed to have been protected by scorpions while Horus was young.

Djdft Snake - The snake had mixed Ancient Egyptian animals popularity in Egypt because snakes caused the danger and cure poison. Apep was a snake - demon of the underworld, who tried to stop his nightly journey through the Western countries Ra. The four primitive goddesses Ogdoad - Naunet (water), Amaunet (invisibility) Hauhet (infinity) and Kauket (darkness) - were also snake goddesses Ancient Egyptian animals. There was a snake god called Nehebkaw which was presented as a man with the head and tail of a serpent.

Shtyw Turtle - The turtle was Ancient Egyptian animals associated with a whole and with the enemies of Ra who tried to stop the solar barque as it is a journey through the underworld. This is because the turtle was associated with night, and so came to symbolize darkness and evil.

Vulture NRT - Sacred to Nekhbet, goddess of Upper Egypt and Mut Ancient Egyptian animals, the mother goddess. The vulture is often the symbol of eternity in its talons SHN, offering eternal protection to the pharaoh. As such, the slurry is closely linked to govern

and now what's your opinion of Ancient Egyptian animals?

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