
ancient egyptian calendar

11/23/2013 02:07:00 AM

the Egyptian culture reveals its meaning in objects excavated. Of these clocks,ancient egyptian calendars and things and to take advantage of great importance, because these things tell us about the concept of time, which kept the Egyptians thousands of years ago.Like all ancient peoples, as was the Egyptian lunar calendar, which was in later years, replaced by a specific timetable, known as the civil calendar.

1- The year divisions
2- Ancient Egyptian Seasons and months 
3- The Day 
4- The hours
5- Types of measuring hours
6- The question now is why the Egyptians for the development of such a complex system to measure time(the egyptian calendar)?

The year divisions

This is divided into the new calendar year to 365 days which was taken from the ancient egyptian calendar . Each year, according to this schedule, and had three seasons of four months. Each month of thirty days and three weeks. It was in every week and ten days, there were 36 weeks per year.

in the egyptian calendar The number of days in the twelve months that's only 360 days of the year, so the addition of five more days to tables in the holidays. Characterized these days at the end of the year, and was intended for parties and celebrations.

seasons and months

Ancient Egyptian Seasons and months in the ancient Egyptian calendar 
I started the season with Sirius rising star on the horizon. This event is not only an excellent astronomical significance, but also the attendant increase in the level of the Nile water. Has started this season, with the rise of Sirius, and was named "flood" of water began to rise in the Nile, to cover the land adjacent to the river. 

Opened the second season in the egyptian calendar "appearance," because this part of the year, from the surface of the land and water that has been flooded for four months of the flood season. During this season planted the seeds of the Egyptians to grow crops that are harvested in the next season. 

Was nominated for the third season in the egyptian calendar as a "low water" because the Nile has remained low during the four months of this season, and during the harvest season and harvest. Since then, a fourth year of the normal day for a longer period of the ancient Egyptian calendar  year, so the Egyptians said, one day in the year after a period of four years. Was coordinated with the seasons of the Egyptian economy, which was mainly agricultural
. Month was divided into only 30 days for administrative purposes in the central community.

The Day in the egyptian calendar 

The hours the Egyptian mainly of three types, out of hours and hours and hours of water sundial. Watches the stars used to measure the length of the night. The 

 Egyptians divided their day in the ancient egyptian calendar, from dawn to dawn in 24 hours. These consisted of 24 hours 12 hours 12 hours day and night, every hour, and ranged in length.The day was divided to 12 hours a day.the egyptian calendar

The hours in the ancient egyptian calendar
 This was twelve hours the day the twelve stages of the sun's journey through the Duat, the underworld, according to the Egyptian religion. The Egyptians believed that the sun and traveled all over the world constantly during the day
Types of measuring hours 

1. water clocks 

they used in the ancient Egyptian calendar to measure the time water clocks to determine the hours per day. The water clocks of two types.

A. Hours, water production, measured by the length of the passage of water, hours of opening, which was built in waters that contain served them,  

B. and watches the quantity of water is measured by the length of time by comparing the amount of water entering through the opening, with a graduated scale.

2.Shadow clocks 

also in the ancient egyptian calendar              
the Shadow clocks were installed to measure the time with the help of the length of the shadow during the day.According to the Egyptian system, while the first night began with the coming of darkness after sunset. 

The length of time the first night indefinitely, and it continued until the advent of the first star in the eastern horizon.  in the ancient egyptian calendar Thus, the second began at the beginning of the first star in the eastern horizon, and ended with the beginning of the second star on the horizon.

 Continued in this way, the twelfth hour ended with the appearance of the star twelfth of the eastern horizon, which was also called the morning star.The time between the arrival of the first star in the night and darkness in the early after sunset every day the default. Thus, on the tenth day, the last day of the week for the week of Egypt 10 days, the star of the first night, in the ancient egyptian calendar  after spending the night leading the star for 10 days, the place for the second consecutive night All Star last week. In this new week, it seemed the night of the second star of last week to be the leading star.

  Therefore, the length of the first hours of the night was the first day of the week longer new.On the other hand, rose heliacaly morning star on the first day of the week and over the next few days earlier in the week, at the end of the week of the ancient egyptian calendar  it went very early to make the longest hours in the last night of the week. Therefore, due to movement around the Earth's axis, has replaced the new star morning star last week, in the and became the morning star.The week after, and after a period of 10 days, and all the stars rose and finished later in this arrangement.

 In this way in the ancient egyptian calendar , the star of the morning star during the first week, and after 110 days, rose to become a star in the first night. At night are not equal in length, but length varies with the difference in time between sunrise and sunset, due to movement around the Earth to the sun.

the importance of  the ancient egyptian calendar

The purpose of the ancient Egyptian calendar seasons to describe the time periods that were important to the agricultural activity .  by the ancient egyptian calendar They told us about the rise and fall of the Nile water. Moreover, these tables, and devoted some days to spend the holidays together is important, and was called holidays. These festivals were fifteen in number, and has had direct relations with the economic activities of the Egyptian society.

The question now is why the Egyptians for the development of such a complex system like the ancient egyptian calendar  to measure time?

It is difficult to know the reason behind the development of this system(the ancient egyptian calendar) and not the last, but we can not determine the cause of a system to measure time that way. And can determine the cause if you look in the statement the Persian emperor Ardashir on the possibility of the former empire. Said:"There can not be the empire of force, and that no army , no money, no money, no agriculture, no agriculture without justice. And thus, according to the emperor, the legendary, revered high-Persian, and justice is the most important factor in the formation of empire, and thus in the formation of civilization. and we can assume that this system( the ancient egyptian calendar) was also to measure the time and has to maintain justice in the society.

at the end of this article
 do you know how the ancient egyptian invented the current egyptian calendar and the world calendar about 5000 years ago?
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