
Coptic church,The hanging church or (El Muallaqa Chuech in Arabic) at old cairo(part two)

11 years ago by Mena Makram 0 comment
Hello everybody, in the past Week we were in The hanging church and reached the location of the church so in this article we are going to complete our tour So lets start with ...

Coptic church,The hanging church or (El Muallaqa Chuech) at old cairo(Part One)

11 years ago by Mena Makram 0 comment
Hello everybody, today we are going into a tour in one of the most amazing Coptic monuments  and it's  The hanging church or (El Muallaqa) in Arabic  but firstly we want to know...

What about The Mystery of missing 50,000 Persian army in the Egyptian desert?(part two)

11 years ago by Mena Makram 0 comment
 hello everybody,In the past article we talked about  king  Cambyses II and his activities till his death  so In this article we are going to talk about the Mystery of missing 50,000 Persian army in the ...

What about The Mystery of missing 50,000 Persian army in the Egyptian desert?(part one)

11 years ago by Mena Makram 0 comment
Hello Everybody, in this article we are going to know one of the important mysteries which happened in the ancient Egyptian history  and that is  the mystery of  the sudden disappearance of fifty thousand men...
Hello everybody ,in this article we are  going to share with you information about  one of the most important ancient Coptic churches and its the church of Abu Serga  so lets start the...

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