Coptic Church,The hanging church or (El Muallaqa) in old cairo(part three)

9/06/2014 04:00:00 PM

Hello everybody, in the past Week we were in The hanging church and reached the History of the church so in this article we are going to complete our tour

So lets start with

The little church

Within the church's southern aisle is a small door of fine pine wood inlaid with ivory. This leads to the "little church", actually a chapel, which represents the oldest section of the structure.

To the left is the chapel of Teckle Haimanout (Takla Haymanot), a national Saint of Ethiopia, who lived during the 13th century.

The Pulpit of the Church:

The pulpit is one of the most magnificent unique ancient masterpieces in the church.
It is situated against the first column on the north side of the central nave of the principle church.

It may be dates back to 13th century. According to Butler this ambon is Arab in character and possible not older than the 12th century.

It stands or rests  on fifteen fine marble columns, of various shapes and inlaid with mosaics.

 two of these  are attached to the body of the ambon and they represent St. Mark and St. Luke the evangelists, who were not among apostles.

 As to the other thirteen columns, the first to the front represents Jesus the Christ and the other twelve represent the apostles.

It is noticed that every two adjacent columns are similar because Jesus the Christ had sent the apostles every two together.

Underneath the ambon there are the relics of St. Abraam Ibn Zaraah.
The southern marble facade of the pulpit's steps is carved with a design showing a cross inside a shell and a cross on stairs, representing the Resurrection of Christ.

 The  cross is depicted above three steps symbolizing the three days during which Jesus Christ was in his tomb and his resurrection.

To the east, there are the three sanctuaries or three haikals ( the central for virgin Mary, south John the Baptist, the north mar Girges) . 

They are separately covered with high roofs in the shape of a wooden truss. In front of the sanctuaries there are three wooden iconostasis composed of small panels inlaid with ivory and ebony

The sanctuary screen:

In front of the three sanctuaries located to the east of the nave, (The central one is dedicated to the Virgin Mary, the northern (left) to Saint George, and the southern (right) one to Saint John the Baptist) there are three wooden screens inlaid with ivory and ebony ornamented with floral and geometric motifs. 

The central screen dates from the 12th  or 13th century and on the top of it is a row of seven large icons.

The center of these icons depicts the Christ, seated on a throne. To his right is the Virgin Mary, the Archangel Gabriel and Saint Peter, while to his left are John the Baptist, the Archangel Michael and Saint Paul

Within this sanctuary, the altar is surmounted by a canopy supported by four columns.

The left screen has a design of squares with crosses in alternate ivory and ebony, surmounted by 17 icons depicting scenes from the martyrdom of St. George
The right screen dates from the 13th century and has a cruciform pattern. 

Across the top are seven small icons representing the life of St. John the Baptist. All the icons on these screens are the work of a single Armenian artist, Orhan Karabedian, and date from 1777.

Here we finish the first part of our tour and we hope you enjoyed reading it so wait the next article to go into a new tour Next Week at 4:00 pm (Cairo time zone +2)
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